Remodeling or repairing large rooms and appliances can quickly become too much for a homeowner, so it is often best to hire a skilled contractor.
Countertops in particular are heavy and sometimes need to be adjusted with tools.
Should you tip these countertop installers?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Some homeowners never tip countertop installers, especially if they work for a large company. Others always tip, reasoning that they have earned it for hard work. Some people only tip if the installer did a stellar job, or they offer food or drinks instead.
Keep reading to learn more about the various approaches homeowners take to tipping countertop installers.
Why Some People Do Not Tip Countertop Installers
Homeowners who do not tip countertop installers tend to take a logical approach with their reasoning for not doing so.
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Many homeowners who do not tip cited the following reasons:
Employers Are Responsible for Wages
Overall, they feel that they have no obligation to tip the installer.
Unlike waiters and waitresses, countertop installers do not depend on tips for a living, in which case tipping is often the proper and polite thing to do.
Some homeowners reason that the employer is responsible for paying the installer, especially if they work for a large company.
Even for an independent contractor, these homeowners accept that said contractor is going to receive the bulk of what they are already paying for the countertop installation.
The Installer Might Feel Insulted
Similarly, people that do not tip believe that the countertop installer may very well feel insulted for receiving a tip when they are already getting paid regularly.
As this article indicates, the topic of tipping countertop installers is highly subjective.
Since these homeowners do not know the installer, they would rather be cautious and avoid potentially injuring the countertop installer’s pride.
Why Some People Do Tip Countertop Installers
On the other hand, some homeowners always tip countertop installers, and this approach often comes from a perspective of empathy.
Those who do tip have provided the following reasons:
The Installer is Independent
While those who do not tip reason that an independent contractor will receive most of what they are paying for the countertop installation, homeowners who do tip counter this reasoning with the fact that independent contractors have to give up a lot of that money for business taxes.
These homeowners that do tip independent countertop installers want to make up a little bit of that difference in wages and eventual fees.
Installers Do a Lot of Hard Work
Many people who always tip countertop installers appreciate the amount of skill and physical labor that their job requires.
These people believe that the countertop installer deserves a tip for doing a difficult job that they could or would not do themselves.
As such, homeowners who always tip firmly feel that countertop installers have earned the tip.
The Installer Might Feel Grateful
Again, since this topic is highly influenced by personal opinions, homeowners who always tip out of kindness tend to think the opposite of those who take a more logical approach to not tipping.
While those who do not tip prefer to be cautious, homeowners who do tip would rather be optimistic.
These people think that the countertop installer is more likely to feel grateful than insulted for receiving a tip, as other people are acknowledging their hard work.
Why Some People Sometimes Tip Countertop Installers
Unlike the homeowners who are constantly logical or empathetic, some people treat each situation differently depending on the context of that specific countertop installation.
These homeowners tip countertop installers in the following situations:
Rewarding a Stellar Job
Unless the countertop installer does a better job than the homeowner expected, they do not tip the installer in cash.
Generally, these homeowners feel that the countertop installer does not depend on tips, so they have only earned one if they have proven to be extra motivated.
In that case, these homeowners feel that this is when tipping becomes the polite thing to do.
This view is basically a mix of the other two, which are more extreme.
They Deserve Something
Many homeowners will offer their countertop installer something besides cash as a sort of bonus, usually snack food or drinks like water, soda, or possibly beer.
By giving the countertop installer food or drinks, the homeowner can show their appreciation without insulting the countertop installer or feeling obligated to give them extra cash that the homeowner does not feel that the installer has truly earned.
Giving snack food or cold drinks is especially nice in the summer months, as performing physical labor in the heat is a guaranteed way to work up a sweat and an appetite.
There is no one simple answer as to whether or not you should tip countertop installers.
After seeing all of the perspectives other homeowners have offered on this topic, you should go with whichever option appeals to you the most.
If you found this article because you were worried about getting the etiquette of tipping countertop installers wrong, you may have been leaning towards tipping them, anyway.
The safest option is definitely to only tip the countertop installer in cash if they go above and beyond.
Otherwise, you can always offer the countertop installer another kind of reward for their hard work in the form of a cold drink or a delicious snack.