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Are Garage Door Sensors Waterproof? What You Must Know…

Garage door sensors are an essential component of automatic garage doors, ensuring the safety of all users as well as pets and property. These pieces of equipment have a tendency to malfunction due to numerous factors including water damage.

The majority of garage door sensors are not waterproof. While there are certain companies which manufacture water-resistant garage door sensors, the majority are usually not waterproof. This is due to the fact that they are in fact made to be located indoors, away from inclement weather conditions.

While your garage door sensors may not be waterproof, they may be able to withstand a small amount of moisture without too drastically affecting their ability to function.

Can Garage Door Sensors Get Wet?

While garage door sensors are not designed to withstand moisture of any kind and are certainly not waterproof, there are certain instances in which they may encounter water without permanent damage.

Garage door sensors are situated around 6 inches from the floor level at the entrance to the garage, making them somewhat susceptible to becoming wet in certain circumstances.

If garage doors are left open during rainstorms, for example, the rain may enter into the garage and wet the sensors.

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If a sprinkler system is running while the garage door is open, and the system is not calibrated to avoid the area around the garage door, the sensors may again become wet as a result of this.

A garage is also a place which may be hosed down from time to time, due to the nature of the activities housed within. In this case, it is difficult not to allow the garage door sensors to become wet.

In excessively humid regions, tiny water droplets in the air may seep into the garage door sensors, again causing them to malfunction.

In most cases, the water in the sensors will cause the sensors to malfunction, either preventing them from opening the doors properly, or preventing the doors from closing.

If the sensors are malfunctioning, they will also not be able to sense any obstructions in the doorway, thereby allowing the door to cause damage to whatever property or beings happen to be in its path.

Usually, any water which has made its way into the garage sensors will dry out of its own accord, allowing the sensors to function efficiently once more. In some events, it may require manual intervention to ensure that the sensors are once again able to function efficiently.

What Makes Garage Door Sensors Fail?

There are a number of reasons that garage door sensors may fail, other than moisture ingress.

Firstly, a simple obstruction may be causing the sensors to fail, thus preventing the door from closing. This can be remedied through inspecting the area around the door to ensure that nothing is obstructing the sensors.

Power to the sensors is another factor which can greatly influence their function.

The power supply may be faulty, which means that the sensors are not receiving sufficient power in order to function effectively.

In some cases, the sensor lenses may be dirty. The lenses should be cleaned often, and if they aren’t, it will cause them to malfunction. Sensor lenses become dirty as a result of wind or pollution in the area, creating a layer of residue which can build up over time. A thorough cleaning of the lenses will ensure that they are able to function optimally.

Sensors work in pairs, one on either side of the garage door. In order for them to function effectively and communicate with each other, the sensors should be aligned with one another.

If they are not effectively aligned, they will not function optimally.

If the sensors are correctly aligned, green lights will be visible. If, however, red lights are visible or no lights are present in one of the sensors, this may be a sign that the alignment is off.

Simple wear and tear that comes with product age is another cause of sensor malfunction, and in these cases it is often better to simply replace the sensors.

How Do I Protect My Garage Door Sensors From Moisture?

If moisture is entering from outside the garage, it might be sensible to move the sensors slightly inwards from the doorway. This will ensure that external moisture such as rain or irrigation systems is unable to reach the sensors when the door is open.

This can be achieved through making use installing the sensors on a longer mounting bracket which allows the sensors to be set slightly further back from the doorway.

How Do I Clean My Garage Door Sensors?

In order to clean your garage door sensors, the simplest and most effective option would be to wipe them down with a dry, clean, lint-free cloth which will not leave further residue on the sensors.

Do not use any water or water-based cleaning products when cleaning your garage door sensors, as this excess moisture may cause further problems.

How Do I Fix My Garage Door Sensors?

If the garage door sensors are malfunctioning due to small amounts of water or moisture, the best option would be to simply allow the sensors to dry out completely before attempting to use the garage door again.

If the water damage is severe and has caused a short circuit, replacement of the sensors may be necessary.

If the power supply is the main issue, it would be best to check the wires around the sensors. Most often, loose connections or broken wires are the cause of power supply problems. This can be fixed by opening the box and checking for loose connections. If nothing is visible and you are certain the problem lies with the power supply, it would be advisable to bring in a professional to assist.

When the alignment of the sensors is the main issue, it can be fixed through realigning the sensors with one another to ensure that they function optimally once again.

If the above endeavors are unsuccessful, before calling in the professionals, it may help to check the garage door sensor’s official manual in order to identify the issue.


While garage door sensors are not waterproof by nature, they are able to withstand small amounts of moisture without having their functionality completely destroyed. By employing a few small interventions, it is possible to ensure that your garage door sensors do not become wet, thereby ensuring their longevity.